NeKomo’s, kty

Posts Tagged ‘crying

Need to say this before bed.

I was thinking that Mao was a waste of air time. We can all agree that Rolo was a waste of a character stealing air time.

What about Mao. HOMFG he is useless side plot without any significance. What was his genuine purpose in the saga?

Mao and Rolo are Geass and directors mistake.

Director could have substituted us with some awesome Suzaku-has-his-own-Geass air time, but the TIME SLOT spelled Rolo.

There are different, kick ass and surprising names in Geass such as Diethard, Lelouch, Shirley, Cornelia etc. However Rolo is way too simple. Such a simple name screams out that character has been rushed.

Lately a decent number of sites have been pulling this shit. Such as fan subbers, bloggers, etc.

Just when some site gets a decent amount of traffic they start to put up fucking ads across their fucking site. Right in the middle of the content. “More after the jump…” please gtfo of the internets.

I hate when they say “to help the site growing” fuuuuck off. And people actually fall for this shit! Well how about you show me your ad reports then I’ll see how much goes into your pocket and how much is payed for hosting fees. Cunts never do that. Make money off us visitors. FUCK OFF.

Those wanker sites that suck advertiser dick are instantly off my visiting list.

I’m never going to suck advertisers dick.

Here are some sites that are bullshit free: